Our plan for global domination has begun—with our first-ever international advertising campaign!
If you’ve been trying to reach us lately, don’t worry – we haven’t been ignoring you. We’ve just been busy working with a client in Australia. Yup. That’s right. We’ve been down under!
Well, not really. We’ve been in Lincoln the whole time. But we have been working with the super incredible Sam at Thank A Farmer For Your Next Meal, an initiative seeking to raise awareness for the importance of Australian agriculture throughout the world. Thank a Farmer uses photos to tell the story of Australian farmers and ranchers to the world.
They’re launching a new project to highlight the work farmers do for beer lovers, appropriately called Thank A Farmer For Your Next Beer. To get the initiative off the ground, they reached out to us to create some designs for T-shirts, beanies and other apparel.
We concepted a bunch of ideas for their consideration:
Here’s a timelapse showing designer Daniel’s process:
Thank A Farmer timelapse from Agency 877 on Vimeo.
In the end, Sam chose these four ideas for the international advertising campaign:
Check out Thank A Farmer to see our designs in action!
– 877