Rallis and Bonilla Orthodontics are experts at creating beautiful smiles. Their brand and website were created around the same time the clinic was established, so they decided it was time for a fresh start. We did a brand identity overhaul for Rallis and Bonilla Orthodontics (formerly Rallis Orthodontics) and finished it off with a sleek, informational website.
The brand was outdated and the website was overwhelming, so our job was to modernize and organize. The most challenging part of the branding was creating something current that would please both doctors while still staying true to the original logo Dr. Rallis designed. With web development, the challenge was condensing their information overload into something more user-friendly and well-categorized.


Web Development




Since Dr. Rallis and Dr. Bonilla recently joined forces under one clinic, we gave them a total rebrand, including a name change from “Rallis Orthodontics” to “Rallis and Bonilla Orthodontics.” That same level of equality was reflected in the logo, which combines an “R” and a “B” with, of course, a smile. Their team was so thrilled with the rebrand they threw a party and put their new logo on a cookie cake. That’s what we like to see!

The goal was to make a ton of information appear as simple and organized as possible, from a Q&A section answering all the tough braces questions, to new patient forms, to detailed profiles of the doctors and their qualifications. Loads of time and research went into creating this site. The client’s previous website was overflowing with miscategorized information, so half the battle was condensing it. In the end it was something that was more digestible for patients and their families. And, as always, exceptional design complemented the strong organization.